Summer writing - daily writing and commercial fiction passages

We have a few glorious days off school this week: half-term, I love it.  It's a great time to regain a sense of perspective, to hunt out that illusive inner peace, to find balance again. For me that means writing. Since 2010 I have written every day, I take a moment from my day and I write it. Sometimes as is. Sometimes I change a few details. Sometimes it's just an emotion or a sense of something that grows into a new story. I'm on my 25th notebook now (I have big handwriting).

Raymond Bradbury is reported to have said (among other things):

Over 20 years ago this advice was given to us - a gaggle of wet-behind-the-ears Creative Writing undergraduates. It seems rather contrived now: to carry about a notebook and chewed pencil end. But I do. The purpose then was to build fluency. Fluency in the practicality of writing, fluency in expression, voice, inspiration, and silence. ā€œBuilding writers is like building a wall,ā€ said one professor, ā€œone sodding brick at a time.ā€

When I was 20 years old, my writing voice was cynical, dark, and worrying. At 30 years old, the voice was hollow: falsely buoyant, darkly comic, restricted and curious. Now at 40, my writing voice is no more confident or certain, it is changing again. Bleak landscapes inhabited by warm-hearted individuals; pain moulded relationships living in richly symbolic environments. My writing has shifted in style too, sometimes daily it seems. Laboriously dense description. Then sparse. And every shade between.

I use a lot of my writing in class with students. I've written about modelled writing before where I live write for pupils (see here). 

And while I love using 'famous' writers as exemplars, I can't always find exactly what I need. So I find myself planning my evening writing sessions around what I need in class.

I am slowly beginning to upload some of my writing onto TpT for commercial use. This passages can be used for any commercial purpose (as long as the text is secured). You could use them reading comprehension or influence, you could use them as exemplars for your writing classes. It's up to you!  I have grouped the passages as best I can and they are priced at $2.50 per passage.

Here's a freebie taster:

This is a summer set based at the beach (in my dreams - just 8 weeks to go!).

The character pack contains a dying man, a young mum, a rich guy forced to take public transport and a husband and wife on their anniversary.
This one is the most heart-wrenching so far, the tragedy pack: a grieving young women, an elderly man looks back on his life, a woman ends her relationship and a separated husband and wife meet up unexpectedly.

I will also happily write custom passages for you, all you need to do is email me on

Thanks for reading!


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